Monday, May 13, 2019


The Official Alya Michelson Fan site was founded in 2018 to be a place for Alya fans to go to learn about Alya Michelson and share their passion and excitement. We want to create a comfortable and informative environment where everyone is free to enjoy. Everyone has a story. Complicated, joyful, challenging, and beautiful. This is mine. I am an independent artist living and creating music, films, and installations in Los Angeles. I was born in Russia and emigrated to the United States seven years ago on the peak of my career as a journalist. Dropped everything and started my life from scratch. "I took the (road) one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Some people may say I waited too long, but I say the magic happened when I was ready and the time was right. As an independent artist Alya Michelson faced a lot of challenges on the bumpy road of the entertainment industry and this year a released my first full-length album “Ten Years of Solitude”.
As an immigrant and a woman, I have something to say and a unique perspective to bring to the table. Today, I want to make a difference and I want my family to see the talents that they love me for, shine. I want to give my artistic dream a chance.

Imaging music with no fear, no boundaries, and no rules. Music that dares to be meaningful. Imagine music that is at turns gentle and harsh, brave and vulnerable, soothing and stimulating. Music as it was meant to be, not what it has turned into.

Imagine Alya. Imagine rock and jazz and pop and classical and almost every other genre you can think of thrown into a pot, lovingly seasoned, and boiled down to its essence. Music that dares to cross borders and create new worlds. Love.